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I'd like to know exactly what you want me to argue.
Op's comment was "sony needs to bundle to get games on million sellers list."
Which i believe is actually a direct response to my "lbp is a flop" thread which had both of this op's posts being debated shortly before this thread was made.

Not doing a psych profile, this thread is just legitimately, from his own words, saying that sony bundles their games tomake them million sellers.

I honestly don't think anything youve brought to the table even addresses that.
You seem to think it's about the strategy of bundling as a whole, but then you keep referring to sony for some reasone and ignore the other consoles, so its hard to figure out what your point is.

Bundling works. It works for all the consoles, which is why they all do it. Bundling gives consumers an extra reason to buy one console over another, and with attach rate, ends up making profits over the course of just a few games.

This isnt a discussion about bundling, which is what you said you thought it was in your first post. This is galaki saying that sony bundles to sell its games because nobody will buy them on their own, then very specifically points out that the difference is thatNintendo,( who also bundles) sells their games for full price while bundled.

So now, do you want me to discuss what YOU'VE changed the thread into, o do you want me to address the op like I've been doing and what you have not?