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,Happy you just presented data and said "this likely can be attributed to"

Galaki is not drawing a parallelbetween ps3 and vita. Everybody bundles. Get over it.
Vita is it's own case that anyone can agree is showing stress with what it's bundling.People arr showing how it's not true and then galaki, who said "sony relying on heavy bundling to get their games to be million sellers", is not taking into account 1) that cod and asscreed are not sony games 2) they are trying to sell vitas, not those games.

Even this post of his doesn't follow his own op's thought process, despite that the post was supposed to be clarifying the op.
What he IS trying to do with that post is draw a parallel between the posters and what he os painting them as saying. He's saying that eople are disputing and b, when they're only disputing a.