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Little by little, the implosion of the middle class, and the sliding into third-world status appears to be happening for America. You try to keep up minimums of what had been norms for maintaining middle class lifestyle, and it folds. Money won't be there at this point. Create a system where you can't raise taxes and keep costs down, and go into the debt spiral. At this point it is flush. Look for end of Pax Americana to happen. Neo-Cons can take down the GOP at this point. Social conservatives can also do the same with their push for the drug war, which won't be sustainable, so it gets ended and they they don't have a home. Then we can pull the plug on the welfare state and have people pour out on the streets. Mutual aid societies? HA! You will get mutual defense societies, and those who were now booted out, the 47% (you know, the types who won't take responsibility for themselves) seen as vermin, and gun them down.

You will have massive unrest and you can elect a charismatic leader who will take a cannon to the mob the way Napoleon did. I expect Fox News to position this as favorable, explaining that it were subhumans being shot down anyhow.