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"Friend management" Agreed
"communication" Da
"Custom soundtracks" Ja

I call hyperbole on this one. Since the PS3 has background downloading the difference is that the PS3 requires you to click on install? How terrible. On the other hand the Playstation Store is not very nice (read f**king terrible)

"User interface"
Please? Clean interface? I will readily concede that the 360 interface has more features cramped into it but the XMB is a much cleaner, better-looking experience that everyone understands instantly. When I see the orange/green and purple mess that is the 360 interface I would shoot the designer.

But yes Microsoft is a better software developer than Sony and they did one-up them on the networking features. I still think that the user interface once again proves that while they are able to provide the functionality they couldn't add a bit of style if their live depended on it.