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grimygory said:

You still don't understand my logic do you.

I have a little brother and little sister who rarely plays games, they are more into clothes and running around outside and playing their DS's. When I asked them to play Gears of War, they jumped up and played the game. For a minute they said the game was difficult, but as they got use to the game they wanted to play more games similar to it, for example Halo 3.

As more people get into gaming, their gaming tastes will change depending on their lifestyle and demographic. You just can not come to a conclusion thinking that every Wii owner is simply going to play the Wii and nothing else. The majority of others will in doubt want a PS3 or X360 or even future consoles that involve hardcore games.

I am 21 by the way.

And you don't think when they upgrade from GH3 and WiiSports they won't simply go to a game that is on the Wii already? I think in 2 years or so when these people are ready to "upgrade" there'll be more than enough types of games on the Wii that would suit them. These people will be casuals, not hardcore. Casuals usually only own one console, and since they've already picked the Wii... I don't see them finding another.