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Nsanity said:

Here is an example:

HHG made several videos talking about Bungie had said they were fed up with Halo, and only made more just to sell copies, so Bungie responded on his site 

hiphopgamer make 2 vids calling Bungie inspired by Sony and losing their passion for Halo (Only sells for it's Name)

HipHopGamer wrote:

Bungie finally admits that they had to up the ante on the Halo franchise instead of using just the Halo brand name to sell game copies.

So Bungie Responded

Luke wrote:

I'm just posting to inform you that nowhere ever has Bungie said anything that is alleged in this video. Obviously as a developer you keep your eye on what's going on around you; after all, we're all gamers ourselves.

The 'news' tagline of this story however is: 'Bungie finally admits that they had to up the ante on the Halo franchise instead of using just the Halo brand name to sell game copies.'

You then go on to say 'this is incredible news'. Your title also claims 'Sony inspired bungie's Halo Reach Development.'

To reiterate, we always look at other games almost on a subconscious level. We're always playing the latest releases, just like any other gamers are. So in that way we're naturally inspired simply by the everyday progress of the industry itself. Nowhere did we say we have been specifically 'inspired' by anything however.

Frankly, HipHopGamer, if it were up to me i'd have you sued for making up nonsense like this and presenting it as news, but unfortunatley i doubt the brass at Bungie care enough to even bother.

- Luke

i know this is a really old article and stuff but i couldnt resiste
