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kain_kusanagi said:
MoHasanie said:
kain_kusanagi said:
MoHasanie said:
kain_kusanagi said:
MoHasanie said:
I'm a fan of the 360, but sometimes I really wish I also owned the PS3.

The worst fan boys are those that actually defend Microsoft charging $60 for Xbox Live!!!

What if you'd rather not pay for Xbox Live, but don't really care because you know you spend more than that a year on gum?

I don't chew gum. And, defending Xbox Live is silly cause playstation owners can play online for free.

Like I said, I'd prefer it to be free. But it doesn't matter because $50 a year is nothing. I probably lose that in bank fees in year. Or spend that a week on soda. I'd rather not have to pay, but it's such a small fee I don't think about it unless someone else complains.

In a perfect world I wouldn't have to pay for any of the things I enjoy. Since this world is flawed I've gotten used to paying for stuff.

BTW, you should give gum a try. It tastes good, it's fun and the minty kind freshens your breath. Oh and it costs practically nothing.


Well, you're right, but with $60 you could buy a brand new game so why spend that for playing online when you can get that for free on the playstation? 

haha, I used to love gum but it hurts my jaw now when I chew it for too long, and I've never been able to blow bubbles with bubble gum :( 

Sorry to hear about your jaw. You should have that looked at. It means your jaw is out of alignment. It probably just needs a little reajustment through thearapy.

As for the price of XBLA. Like I said it's nothing. It doesn't keep me from buying all the games I want. I've never had to choose between buying  a new game or paying for Live. $50 a year is like $4 a month. My paycheck doesn't miss that. And I usualy buy two or three Year XBL Gold cards when Amazon has a sale. I literaly have 2 sitting next to my Xbox 360 games waiting to be used when they are needed. They cost me $35 each with free shipping. That amounts to a measly  $2.90 a month. I probably lose that in change and don't even notice it.

If you think about it, if you take the money you would spend on one capachino per month you'd have XBL Gold paid in full plus some left over.

Here's the kicker. I don't even play much online. Halo is the only game I'm willing to play with strangers and I do that very little. I do play with friends and family over live a bit more, but still not often. I pay for XBL Gold just for the occasions that I do play online. That's how little think about it. It's like my TV or Internet bill. I wish they were free, but they are not so I pay and forget.

haha, thanks for the advice! :) 

I suppose when you look at it like that, then you are right. But do you really like paying that much money to Microsoft and Activision? Like, I don't even play any games by Activision, yet part of my money still goes to them. That's not fair right? 

Yeah me too! Unfortunately most of my friends have as PS3, or play those COD games or FIFA 13 and they don't enjoy playing Halo as much as I do :( , so I'm just left playing Halo with random people and that's really the only game I play online, so it makes paying for Live even more useless . Having said that, as much as I don't like paying for Live, I enjoy playing Halo online too much to stop paying for Xbox Live.  

I suppose the reason why it matters much less to you is cause you make your own money, but I still rely on my parents. Of course if I made my own money, then I wouldn't complain as much about it. 



NNID: FrequentFlyer54