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#24 - Jumping Flash! (PS1)

As guessed by Ganoncrotch (you're getting good at this!)  Oddly the first videogame I ever played, Jumping Flash! was - and still is - a rare beast of a first person platformer.  The sense of height you'd get from leaping in the air as Robbit, using your feet to judge landings was just incredible.  Mix in some varied stages, loads of collectable and you just have an incredibly fun game.  Going back recently, it's incredibly short by today's standards, but it's still super fun to play and I'm kind of saddened that Robbit's brand of platforming got lost in the post Mario-64 era.

Clue for my #23 - An entry in Sony's longest-running self-developed franchise, which appeared on the PSP but was ported to the PS2 - oddly - only in Europe.