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CCFanboy said:
runqvist said:

If Wii U were more powerful, it would get multiplats with PS4/720.

Would it though? Epic said they would be on nintendo the second they release a system that can run their engine. So where are they? What you guys need to realize is your taking that quote by Reggie and spinning it. Power alone will not persuade developers to jump towards the others. Not if nobody buys them. Everything starts over now.

Its a fair trade. The wii u has cheaper dev costs and similar architecture to ps3 and 360. That means ease of development and expirience could go in wii u's favor. Ps4 and 360 2 will be built to run new engines and be different with far higher development costs. So which is really the safest bet here? The cost of development on those systems will no doubt effect game prices so that already puts this in wii u's favor.

Of course there would have be good sales on those multiplats.

Safest bet for third parties will be PS4/720, just take a look at how 3rd party games did on Wii and games like cod are doing on Wii U. Third parties are not going to make their games for Wii U and port to PS4/720, because it would only piss their primary customers off. It will be either a watered down port or no games at all for Wii U when next gen consoles show up.