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Max King of the Wild said:
MentalAlliance said:

All I know is everyone's eyes are on it right now and they aren't going to just look away that quickly. The announcement of it's tie to MGS will be an important thing timing-wise, that's for sure, but I don't think the level of interest this generated will just die in a couple of days. We'll see, but personally I think this is  great marketing.

Yes, the initial speculation gained lots of traction. However, its my understanding that the Metal Gear Solid franchise is general more disliked than liked. It has a convoluted storyline and you "watch" the game. It still sells very well and has a cult following but I can see when this game is announced as MGS5 it will loose a lot of steam from the people who don't like the series. I don't think this stunt will effect sales in any meaningful way (That will be left to it going multiplat). Which is why I dont like the dicking around for it. I think it would sell the same if they were completely straight with everything.

On a side note how much should we expect sales wise for this game now? Larger user base and multi plat... 8 million?

I still think it can pay off for them, but it's really too early to tell. I guess all we can really do at this point is sit back and watch it unfold.