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gergroy said:
you dont like pachter saying that nintendo missed a business oppurtunity to release a console back in 2010?  Honestly, if nintendo was smart they probably should have launched before kinect and move came out. I dont see your problem here, he admits he is wrong on the event, but sticks with his reasoning as to why the event should have happened.  He is an analyst, should he not think about ways companies could capitalize on oppurtunities?

Once again, he doesn't say he's wrong, he says that Nintendo was wrong not to do what he says. That's bad analysis. A good analyst would ask "why didn't Nintendo do what I expected", and seek to improve their analysis.

And yes, Pachter expresses opinion... which people treat as though they're analyses because he's an "analyst". His opinion is no more valid than the opinion of anyone else. Note that he is expressing his opinion... but he couches it in analysis terms, even though there's no analysis to justify it.

Should a Wii HD have been released in 2010? Maybe... but probably not. They had enough trouble getting the price low enough and the amount of value in the product high enough to justify it in late 2012. Even a casual observation of the situation now reveals that such an option wasn't truly available. Nintendo's only option in 2010 would have been to release a console which was just a superpowered Wii... which is completely against Nintendo's stated approach to game systems. Nintendo's position was on the record since 2005, and anyone paying attention knew that there wasn't going to be a Wii HD in 2010. Which leads to the obvious question... why the hell didn't Pachter, an "analyst", pay attention to what Nintendo had been saying before he predicted a Wii HD in 2009?

He is an analyst, his job isn't to tell companies how to capitalise on opportunities, but to tell them what opportunities are available in the first place. The analyst's job is to analyse the industry and provide their analysis. And if Pachter isn't being paid by Nintendo (if he was, he wouldn't be making public the advice he was giving), then why should Pachter be giving Nintendo advice? Oh, right - Nintendo releasing a Wii HD wouldn't have benefitted Nintendo, it would have benefitted certain third parties, mostly Activision and EA (to the detriment of a lot of smaller publishers).

So once again, I make the point - assuming competency, Pachter is either moonlighting by making outrageous predictions for clicks, or he's doing PR for some third party. To be clear, I don't think he's doing PR for Sony or MS - if he was, he wouldn't make certain other statements against Sony and MS.