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SnakeDrake said:
sales2099 said:



"Hello good sir. My name is Reginald Thadius Davenport. I do so enjoy Journey, Unfinished Swan, Flower, and Flow. Those games are so devilishly clever and deserve respect for its high society art approach."

This post may be out of context, but everytime I see a PSN thread, a combination of those same 4 games are talked about. Nothing else. I also get the impression that these sole 4 games are used as a crutch.....just because these 4 games are artsy and got some nominations.

We playstation gamers are extinguished gentlement nothing you xbox barbarians know about. Ahhh

Delusions of grandeur ;)

But we gotz Fez and bought Minecraft almost 5 million times! We are creative oriented to your artsy oriented.

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles.