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Stillwell said:
Moongoddess256 said:
I live off of $150 - $190 a week. I can't afford to see a doctor. I can't afford to maintain my car which I need to get to work. I only have internet because I use my landlords wireless. My laptop is leftover from when I actually had a decent paying job. I buy my video games with money I make from bringing change to coinstar and returning bottles and cans. My 360 was paid for by change I saved.

Don't get me started. Many of those "jobs" are those minimum wage or close to it bullshit jobs like what I work. Its really irritates me that those who are well off are so above the poor that they don't even notice they exist.

My parents are upper middle class and they say similar clueless things.

I feel for you too. My parents are upper middle class too, but they are very socially consience(?), so they are very empathic with the poor. I can only imagine how frustrating it must be to be living on the edge of poverty, in a society that boasts itself of being the best in the world. It's so disconnected with reality.

you obviously have no clue how are politics are run. first of all i don't know who they polled, but what if they polld people who didn't vote for bush.

2nd the last 2 elections have been so relatively close that let's just assume for a second that it came down to him winning by a handful of votes.  the elections were literally that close, so what now the handful of people who voted for hm 4 years ago aren't allowed to change there mind, and say "hey this guy's been stinking up the joint.  i'm not too happy with his performance"

yeah that's smart, it's like having a starting player on your team who is underperforming, but you as a coach allow him to keep bringing your team down, because he was one of your top draft picks. you'd get yourself fired.

please don't be ignorant and assume because bush won the presidency, that means the "majority" of amercans were on board with him, because i can assure you that's not the case. - It is what it is!