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Yeah I'm grateful to live in America, but that letter screams of a pro-Bush supporter.

Complete bullshit. You know why more than half the country is fed up with the current President and his administration. Hmm... maybe for starters because we he entered the office he had 5 billion dollar surplus (one of the largest ANY administration has ever had access to) and it took him all of a year or two to turn that into a deficit.

Maybe it's because he stood up in front of millions of Americans and blatantly lied to us about invading another country. Claiming they had weapons which did they did not have. And further spent gazillions of our money. My money that I work hard for on a war or invasion that was birthed in lies.

Maybe it's because after he knowingly invaded this country under false pretense (weapons of mass distrutcion my ass). He once again got infront of millions of americans ADMITTED THAT HIS INTEL WAS WRONG ON THE SITUATION. And in so many words ADMITTED THAT HE SENT OUR ARMY TO INVADE THIS COUNTRY UNDER FALSE PRETENSE.

Maybe because everytime we turned around and were wondering about things on the home front (jobs, welfare- no not just for poor people but student loans, housing, etc. education for the youth, etc.) all he could talk about was how he needed more money, more troops, and how we needed to solidfy a country that we had no business "occupying" in the first place.

Maybe it's because as we saw our country slowly sliding into a recession. Our currency almost being non-existent on the world market. The cost of living going up, up, up, up, up and wages either lowering or staying the same. All of this continued.

Maybe it's because some of us (ME) working class folk, who need to go to work40 hours a week just to get by, don't really think that president or this adminstration has our (my) best interest in mind.

Don't give me that oh well we live in America everything is just groovey bit. I've been all over the world, and I'm sorry there are tons of other places if I had the resources, based on the life that I want to live I would move in a heartbeat.

I can do without hearing about Paris Hilton has managed to get her self arrested for the millionth time due to driving on the wrong side of the highway. Yet her new movie which will be out in a week cost 15million dollars to make.

I can do without seeing American Idol on primetime tv, the news in the morning and in syndication on the weekends.

I can do without another reality show of someone who may or may not was famous, is famous, or is trying to make a comeback showing us how an "average" day in their life is. Because it's oh so hard when you have money and camera crews following you around and you really need to make that important decision that will be revealed on the next episode.

I can deal without hearing why OJ got arrested again or why Dennys refused to serve him because they just felt like it. I could deal without hearing about the father that got so hopped up on drugs, that he decided to come home and beat his infant to death. I can deal without hearing about another kid being killed by a kid, no matter what the circumstances were (gangs, crazy, fed-up with bullying, etc.)

Now don't get me wrong. I'm American and I love my country. But there needs to come a time where we stop all this "Oh we're American!" so by default our thought process is 1. it could be worse we could live in a third world country or something or 2. it'll get better eventually.

Look towards our history. This presidential regime has been a joke since it's inception (Florida recount anyone). I'm sorry but as an American we're a better nation than that. Our fore-fathers are probably turning in their graves with disgust. I mean there was a time (and some cicles there still is), where if you said anything disparging about anything this administration has done or is doing they called you "un-amercan"?

Excuse me? I thought our country was founded on the principles of revolution and that that we weren't just going to accept what we should be told to accept?

So why would going against the herd or having your own thoughts or feelings about something be "Un-American"

Sorry for the long post, but after reading the TC, I got a bit worked up. - It is what it is!