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The real questions won't be answered until later on in January and we know what it sold this first quarter.

Wii remained sold out and pushed out well nearly 4m units.
WiiU can be found most of the time in stock. Its launch week was relatively the same as Wii, but if it can't push 3-4m units before January, then it clearly does not have the same appeal/demand.

I wouldn't say its cost, as that Ebay chart shows Wiis were selling well over $350 on Ebay by the truckload.

However, its likely a combination of things, foremost a complete lack of retail based advertising. When Wii launched every retailer ran ads for it from launch day to every Sunday thereafter. While I've see a couple TV spots, I've seen zero paper ads for WiiU.

From my local Walmart (which is very very busy..i.e busiest Walmart in southern half of state), Its stock fluctuates. I go in there every couple of days. One day I see one in stock, another I see 4 or 5 of mixed bundles. I have yet to see it out of stock since Black Friday.

I think it has games and good word of mouth. I just think its missing retail advertising and potentially that killer casual game as many of the more core gamers may be waiting to see what MSony are doing. Nintendoland could be that killer game as it is a blast. On Thanksgiving everyone really wanted to keep playing it. However, that word of mouth growth isn't enough.