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I cant believe this keeps going . Kojima isnt working in any 360 version .Not a single line of code has been written .He is taking advantage to the limit he can of the Blu Ray storage ,Sixaxis controls ,7.1 sound ,Cell power .....Konami itself has said they are working on the game without thinking of making a port later down the line . Sony are producing the MGS film for gods sake . Peter Moore ,who anxiously waits every moment to stab Sony with announcements ,lies or FUD ,has recently stated that they did their best to receive versions for those games but that it was impossible due to private agreements within SOny and Konami and Square and loyalty of those towards Sony . So for the time being there is zero evidence of a possibility of this game coming to the 360 .Niente .Nada .Zero .Rien . This game is exclusive accept it .If there is a Substance/Subsistence version some year and a half later maybe just maybe it would be for PS3 and X360 at the same time ,and the X360 version would be heavyly downgraded .