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You place way too much importance on attach rates, these should only be used in 2 scenarios in my opinion, these are:

1. When comparing 2 platforms that have a similar size user base
2. By Fan boys

            Japan Sales   (M Total Jpn Mkt           TP Jpn Game sales
Wii             5.2                 67.7%                         2,076,708
X360         0.58                 7.5%                           669433
PS3           1.9                  24.7%                         2083852

These figures show that the PS3 would clearly have a larger attach rate yet the Wii has the vast majority of market share for Japan and is still outselling the other 2 significantly each week. This means a vast majority of third party software would have to be sold each week for the attach rate to stand still yet the install base grows, the total third party game sales will continue to rise and The wii's market share will continue to grow even more.

Looking at these figures it's not unrealistic to say pretty soon Japan will be in a position where the console thats cheaper to develop for is holding it's own in terms of third party japan software sales will maintain a 75% market share and is still growing the fastest by outselling it's competitors on a weekly basis.

Would you really choose any other platform to throw your support behind if you were in charge of allocating a budget for a japanese software project?