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sales2099 said:
dsgrue3 said:
So, no one addressed my point? Am I to assume that means you agree that Live is extortion? Wonderful. That took entirely too long.

No it is not. To put it as simple as I can, LIVE makes console gaming seamless.To get to where you want to go, to find what you need, to see what your friends are doing in all respects, seamlessly invite people into your game or drop into theirs.

Live just makes everything simple and fast. Cross game chat and custom soundtracks (not LIVE but something PSN doesnt have) are nice too.

PSN, even now, makes you jump through a obstacle course to do what Live has done since 2005. Sony covers that up by giving you free old games. And guys love em for that, when it doesnt cost them a thing and you pay them $50.

I pay $0 to enjoy multiplayer on my PS3. I think I realize the issue here.

Live isn't extortion, it has features you guys appreciate and are perfectly pleased with paying for - XGC, XBLA, etc.

But is MS model of forcing you to pay for Live to unlock the multiplayer content of your game extortion? You buy a game with multiplayer and are locked out of using it on Xbox360 unless you pay for Live. This is what I have a problem with.