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TheLastStarFighter said:
DanneSandin 3 minutes ago
TheLastStarFighter said:
Wii Fit U is coming next year, I think the date is not yet set. But it's the type of thing that is purchased by adults and doesn't need to be sold at Christmas. I think Nintendo will push this and other adult-casual titles through the middile of next year. Something "brainy" or "artsy", something that can only be done using a tablet, something that can only be done one Wii U.

And of course Nintendo is already nailing the "Nintendo Casual" market with Super Mario Bros. People like to say that it's grandpas and soccer moms that bought the wii for wii sports. That's not really true, the big casuals that wii hit are true gamers, just not COD gamers. Lots of girls love the wii for Mario Bros and Mario Kart. Since Mario Bros is available day 1, the mass-market will love the system. I literally twice saw groups of girls in Gamestop recently squeeling over Wii U. Girls love Mario as much as the Twilight boys.

Yeah, Mario is one sexy plummer ;)

But it appears as if Nintendo is going after the Nintendo core this holiday, and in spring they're opening up for casuals with Wii Fit U, and by fall next year I expect them to role out the big guns for the hardcore whinnies...


Yup. I think the idea is Nintendo Core first, then casuals looking for something new in 2013, then launch some eye-popping software for fall 2013 that will make people choose the still-new Wii U over competing new systems that would probably be lacking a "killer-app" at launch.

Yeah, it sounds like a good strategy. I think we'll find out if it worked this time next year :p

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.