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Could it have been when Nintendo went a different route with Mario Bros 2?
Wasn't really around for this, but considering the real smb2 was basically smb1 but much much harder with no real change, id much rather have the one we got as a result.

Maybe when the SNES was not allowed blood? You know what i am talking about!
Once again, wasn't around for this one, but there were still games on Snes that were full of blood haha they just weren't popular... I guess it would've been kind of a piss off.

Was it when Sony made Crash Team Racing to rival Mario Kart? or worse, when it wass good!
I don't see why this would make anyone mad, for there to be another great racing game... jealous maybe... either way Mario Kart 64 was, and still is the superior game in my opinion.

When the Gamecube did not have DVD playing capability?
Never got what the big deal here was, I guess yeah Dvd was big when the system came out, but I felt no need to own a dvd player at the time, and if I did Id rather just have a separate machine to do so. I never use the dvd feature on my 360, i use my dvd player. (I know it was a different time, when dvd was just emerging but still, I got a gamecube for games not for movies)

When the wii got jipped with 3rd party exclusives?
This. This is the one right here. Was such a piss off that I ended up buying a different console just to play 3rd party games. Huge piss off.

when the 3ds got an early huge price cut?
I didn't own one at the time, but I guess it sucks if you had already bought one... I still don't own one so this doesn't really affect me




Guitar Hero 3/ Smash Hits