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The real question that is getting passed over in this thread is this. How much of Gears success is self generated, and how much is generated by Microsoft's marketing machine. Microsoft isn't just getting a exclusive game. They are putting their might behind making it into a success. For all the talk of how much more it could sell if the game were released on multiple platforms. We are kind of ignoring how much it sold, because it was a exclusive.

No doubt Epic could go its own merry way, but there is a very real tradeoff. In that they will be the ones who have to come up with a way to make up that shortfall. Their title Unreal Tournament 3 didn't exactly fair better by being on multiple platforms did it now. I bet that one totally slipped your minds, and I have to wonder why that is. Microsoft is a real force multiplier for Epic.

Seems like a strange notion to abandon a formula that is working wonders. Anyway I am far more interested in the Fortnite game. Which is what is announced for next year. It looks like it could be some sick fun.