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Riot Of The Blood said:
Entroper said:
Riot Of The Blood said:
Wolf21 said:
i dont think that a motion sensing controller for the ps2 is even near to be a good reason for someone to prefer a lastgen console over a nextgen console...

Outside of a gimmick controle, what makes the Wii more next-gen than the PS2?

Standard WiFi? 512 MB of internal storage compared to 8 MB memory cards? SD card support up to 2 GB? Compelling exclusive games?

I'm talking it from a gameplay perspective. The Wii's gimmick is it's unique controller. If the PS2 had that as well, I don't really see what the would have offer that would make it head-in-shoulders above the PS2.

Hi, your ego called, it wanted you to know it decided to run off and hopped a bus to crazytown...he also wanted me to tell you that as far as he is conerned your opinions = facts.



1) Just because you think the controller is a gimmick doesn't mean it is.

2) If the PS2 released a motion controller (which a third party has already done btw) it would need a lot of software support or it would likely fail quickly. If it were able to get a decent install base (at least 1m) we might see some devs attempt to port Wii games back but by the time all of this would come to pass the PS2 is probably another 12-18 months down the road of no short its a dying system, albeit a slowly dying system and the result is that devs will shy away from investments in it because its future isn't nearly as bright as the Wii's or even the other consoles for that matter.


To Each Man, Responsibility