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For the one who said that this isn't setting a new bar... you should watch the video of the banshee flying to space from Valhalla. The thing that really boggs down the graphics in halo 3 is the fact that they are rendering over 10 miles... and they have layered clouds and an atmosphere (and i'm not talking 'cinematic' atmosphere, i mean that as you gain elevation the sky changes until you start to see stars) I think this kind of graphical rendering will change the way the game is played... if the single player has a level where you start of earth and steal and banshee (or pelican or whatever the new covenant ship is) and fight your way up through the atmosphere to a starship while maintaining the graphics from the beta... that would be epic and I can't remember any game (outside maybe 2d scrollers) that have done this. All I need from the graphics is 4x FSAA and I'll be happy.