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MB1025 said:
Izo said:
MB1025 said:
ethomaz said:

I can't get some points here...

There nothing different between the GT5 standard edition and XL, Spec II or Academy Edition... THEY ARE THE SAME GAME!!!

It's like Game of The Year Edition, Platinum Edition, etc... all games have these editions.

And for now GT5 have just one (yeap ONE) re-release (Spec II in Japan, XL in US and Academy Edition in EU).

PS. The re-release sold util Sep 2012 less than 600k units... the GT sales are more than 90% standard editions.

All games have those editions? I don't remeber Halo ever releasing a GOTY edition with all of it's map packs. Re releasing GOTY editions gives games a ton of legs because people buy them in 2 ways.

1. The people who didn't pick up the game between launch and the GOTY release can now go out and get the game 10-20 dolars cheaper with extra contant.

2. The people who already purchased the game and no DLC can now just go out and usaully get all the bundled DLC in the GOTY for cheaper than buying the individual DLC's.

I don't know how you can say a GOTY edition is the same exact game as the regular version. Their is more content in one over the other.

So here we have one game in Halo 4 that will not get a GOTY type re release going against GT5that has them.

Also where are you getting the numbers for XL, Spec II and Academy Edition sales?

No matter what you say it is still the same game just with more content. Adding dlc and patches to a game doesn't change it into another game. This flipping of these versions to try to make GT5 seem like it has an unfair advantage over Halo is just not true.

On the surface it is the same game of course. However like I explained people buy GOTY editions 2 ways and it gives the game extra legs. Right now there is about 600,000 copies of the GOTY editions sold for GTA. As time goes by people who wouldn't have picked it up with now be more inclined to because it has all the content in it and people who don't have the DLC, but the original game will just get another copy.

I would bet my house tht if Microsoft released a GOTY edition for Halo next year with everything bundled in those people who don't have the game will get it or those who have the game with now map packs will go out and buy them.

If Microsoft released the same exact game with more content and people bought it why shouldn't it count towards the same game? GT5 has legs and just because PD decides to release a version with more content (that you can get as dlc) for a cheaper price doesn't make it a neo-GT5 that should be counted as a seperate entity.