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Sorry bro but I can't saw that arrogance in Kaz interview... the awnser are fine and just show how he likes to developer the franchise... about the sound he just give his opinion, he even used the words "my perspective" and in fact the GT5 car sound are close to real-life (of couse the real life sound is impossible because even lossless record have loss from the real-life).

The other games use tricks to get the sound tastier and stronger... so the sound seems more powerful than it is in real-life... it's better for games and movies but not for a simulation.

You can say you don't like the sound of the cars in GT5... that's your opinion and many others gamers don't like too... but the fact is PD tried to put the sound more close to real-life as possible because the GT5 is a simulator first place... that's the obective.

You can see the video below how the cars sound like the real one... it's close... there is no turbo sound like others games.