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I'm among the minority that actually thinks the Wii U will be bigger than Wii. If it gets continued 3rd party support, it could become THE system to play on, like the DS is (was?) for portables. It is going to dominate Japan. Obviously Super Mario Bros. U and NintendoLand are going to hit 10 mil. I think there will be many others. Games like Wii Fit U, Mario Kart, 3D Mario, Smash Bros seem like obvious huge games. I think you could also see the next Zelda being big. I think the "NEW" team is either going to release another Mario Bros (contrary to Nintendo remarks on there being one per system... there is just too much time before Wii U is done for them not to put out another) or NEW Zelda. Another 10 mil seller. I also think that some of the big games are going to be ones we haven't heard of or thought of yet. Nintendo is going to launch some new games that use the gamepad and appeal to the mass market and push the Wii U in 2013. Who knows what they will be, but they will be big and your girlfriend/wife/mom will love them. Then there is the possibility of big 3rd Party games. Monster Hunter U. Final Fantasy U. Future Call of Duties or GTA's. If Wii U sells enough, those kinds of titles could sell 10 mil, especially if they are ones that are big in Japan, where Wii U won't be competing with XBox. I don't know a number, but I'll say there will be more 10 mill sellers than on wii.. so at least 10.