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Max King of the Wild said:
JWeinCom said:
Jay520 said:



Kind of going in circles here.  All I'll say is that I think that the game's had much more buzz than the average new IP and should have performed better than average IF the game actually looked worth playing to gamers.  If you disagree that's fine.

Thats just absolutly wrong. There have been tons of new IPs which recieved ridiculously more buzz than this game. LAIR, Uncharted, Assassins Creed, Little BIG Planet, Wii Sports, Wii Play, Wii Music (I kid), Wii Fit (I don't kid), Zombie U, Gears of War, Left 4 Dead, Demon's Souls, BioShock, Red Dead Redemption, LA Noir, Madworld, Mass Effect, Lost Odyssy, Portal, Dead Space, Too Human, HAZE, Rage, Crysis, Ninja Blade, Epic Mickey, No More Heros, That Wii FPS that flopped that started with a C... and this is off the top of my head

All those games recieved tons more hype than this game and some of the ones I listed recieved barely any such as Demons Souls until the game released

And as ay linked in the other thread this game was at the very bottom of VGC novembers most wanted

Eh... I didn't say it was the most hyped game ever, just above average.  Of the list you have, most of those are correct, but I don't think Madworld, No More Heroes, or the Conduit belong there.  Lost Odyssey doesn't belong their either, or Haze.   Those were only hyped among Wii fans craving third parties.

But you're just pointing out really hyped games, most of which were really good.  You're not comparing it to average games.