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pokeclaudel said:
I'm going to be 23 pretty soon for the people asking how old I am. I mean there have been attempts to contact her by a text here or there but I'll admit they weren't the most sincere attempts to reach her. I was thinking more that she should be the one to initiate a call since I wasn't really in the wrong. I don’t know why the whole dad thing freaked me out so much. I just wish I was never introduced to kids at this point.

well did she respond to those texts?


idk this could not have been me! Seems like you are scared of something. I would have CALLED my girl THE NEXT DAY. You HAD to care about her because you were changing her kids diapers n sh!t.


Were you scared of the babies dad or something? be honest.


also, what happened after you went to the Bathroom after the kid called you "dad"?