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RolStoppable said:
Vinniegambini said:

Playstation 3 sold 150k launch week in the States and still had units on shelf the same week.

Wii U had over 400k sold, Discuss.

I mean whats the point of this thread? Another opportunity to bash Nintendo blah blah flop. It's irritating and annoying, sorry.
Since when has gaming companies become a competition of who fails first?!

It has always been this way on this website. During the early Wii years every few weeks we got a "Wii is not sold out anymore, let's rejoice, the fad is over" thread, sometimes using proof like a picture showing two Wiis that were spotted at some retailer.

Not that this only happens to Nintendo on this website. There are people in all camps who rush to post negative news/rumors about the companies they don't like. Ironically, the very same people who rush to post negative threads most of the time also happen to be the ones who complain the most when negative threads about their prefered company are posted.


Vgking = Sony Fan, he always jumps in threads that 1) claims doom over sony or play station  systems to counter point or to ignore facts. 2) claims doom over nintendo or nintendo systems to bashing nintendo or to "counterpoint" some arguments... he finish his post's saying or writing he is  "Unbiased" about everything he writes. lol

34 years playing games.