cusman said: Many of these million+ sellers are still considered financial failures due to how much they cost to produce Hence why you wont be seeing sequels to the following anytime soon:
So while PS All-Stars Battle Royale will enjoy healthy sales for long time, it is still pretty shocking to me that a game that gives both PS3 and PSV version with single purchase didn't rally the PS3 fanbase behind it. It just shows the Sony fans are not as dedicated to supporting new IP games on Sony platforms as the Nintendo fans are on Nintendo platforms where new experimental games like Smash Bros, Animal Crossing, Brain Age, Professor Layton, etc start out and end up as 5+ million sellers... even 10+ million sellers. Do the same thing you did for Sony new IPs for Nintendo new IPs and you will see the Nintendo fans just support their platform heck of a lot better. |
so Sony fans didn't buy any of their new IPS from Sony?
you have GOT to be kidding me -_-