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On its own being in stock at a particular retailer is meaningless and what matters is whether Nintendo can get the sales they want/need; and (realistically) what Nintendo needs from the Wii U is different than what they had with the Wii.

Ultimately, I have to use the 3DS and PS-Vita as an example ... By launching earlier Nintendo was able to address the problems people saw with the 3DS (primarily its high price) before the PS-Vita launched, and they were then able to capitalize on the mistakes Sony made with the PS-Vita; and now, almost 2 years after the 3DS launched, it is realistic to say that the PS-Vita stands no chance of catching the 3DS and the primary battle the PS-Vita faces is not "failing".

Nintendo doesn't need record breaking sales, they need to sell reasonably well and fix the problems people have with the Wii U before Sony or Microsoft release their system; and then they need to capitalize on the mistakes they make to become the lead platform in the next generation.