haxxiy said:
You came back to post misleading information, perhaps. The architecture of the Wii U CPU is over a decade old. It loses out to just about any modern architecture on efficiency. The fact it runs at some extremely low clocks makes the "woo, GHz doesn't matter anymore" false in this case, except perhaps toward iPads and iPhones out there. It loses to the Cell and the Xenon on most significant measurements. Wii U CPU - 8,400 MIPS and ~13 GFLOPS. Xenon 19,200 MIPS and ~110 GFLOPS. The PPE on the Cell alone - excluding the seven SPEs - does 10,200 MIPS and ~26 GFLOPS. Also like I said, the only good thing about it all is the general purpose aspect of current GPUs... but as the Wii U games are clearly showing it, that doesn't cover everything does it. |
From what I understand, IBM doesn't even make the 750 anymore, but has opted to do a 'custom' processor line instead. This is custom chip that is in the PowerPC family (they said it was 'similar' to the broadway, not the same, anything in the PowerPC family would be 'similar' since it's the same architecture. Everything in Intel's lineup could be called 'similar', but an i3 beats the pants off of a core2 clock for clock). It's certainly not just an overclock of 10 year old tech, it is something custom built for Nintendo. Even the hacker said you couldn't compare this clock for clock with the 360's processor. Since we don't have the real specs, anything else is just opinion and conjecture.