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VGKing said:


"it is normal for sales to increase in the holidays"
Well, duh! I know that. I'm not stupid.

But here's the thing, a "dead" console wouldn't post such a large increase in sales, on any week. Vita sales are encouraging. There is life in the system and it can only go up from here. 

Look at Black Friday sales for Xbox 360 the first Black Friday on the market. 
November 2006 - 240,843

Or a better comparision would be PSP's Black Friday for that same year
November 2006 - 186,201

Sales will get better as Vita gets more games and as the price goes down and brand awareness goes up.


First: I didn't want to offend you with my post. Sorry if I came off as rude. 

When did I call the Vita a dead console? I said sales are horrible for Black Friday because they are. Sales could go up in the future, sure. But these sales are not encouraging, they are just what was to be expected. Again Gamecube sold just as much if not better during the holidays - did that encourage developers to make more games for it? Not really. What about the PSP and its western support? Your PSP numbers prove my point. As for the 360: There's a difference between 160k and 240k and the 360 always had an HD twin on the horizon that would increase the hw install base for multiplatform titles. It was safe to develop for the 360.

Please note I'm not saying these sales are lower than expected! I actually like the Vita a lot and I want it to succeed. But if it succeeds it won't do so because of this years' Black Friday sales. That's all I'm saying. It's up to Sony to push the platform now, give it better first party support and price it competitively. I know I always sound like a party pooper. I just think people on gaming forums in general are way too optimistic at times. When the 3DS was announced I raised concerns about a lack of mass market appeal and no one listened to me. Look at the sales. I'm a 3D whore and I still think Nintendo must be total nuts to include a 3D display in a handheld console. Or look at the predictions people had for the Wii U's first week in the US. We just need to accept that our tastes are not in line with the mass market most of the time and therefore our gut feeling as to whether a console will sell or not is often wrong.