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DieAppleDie said:
HoloDust said:
DieAppleDie said:
at least the gpu is decent right? ;)
how does 550 mhz stand against anything?

It must be deja vu - haven't I answered you this in the other thread ;)

1) Redwood based (400:20:8 config, 104mm^2@40nm)
Pixel (GP/s): 4.4
Texel (GT/s): 11
Shader (GO/s): 220

2) Turks based (480:24:8, 118mm^2@40nm)
Pixel (GP/s): 4.4
Texel (GT/s): 13.2
Shader (GO/s): 264

Pixel (GP/s): 4.0
Texel (GT/s): 8.0
Shader (GO/s): 96

Pixel (GP/s): 4.4
Texel (GT/s): 13.6
Shader (GO/s): 74.8
GFLOPS: 255.2 (400.4 theoretical)


In Shader performance some 2-3x as expected from rumours. In Pixel and Texel throughoutput, slightly over 360, and about the same as PS3. PS3 does have some extra GFLOPS juice in Cell though (179.2 for 1PPE+6SPEs), but not sure how much can be actually squeezed out for graphic related tasks (or how much 3rd parties actually know how to use).

LOL pretty much

but no mhz info?

Um, that's for 550MHz - when you see someting like 480:24:8 config, it means - 480 Shaders, 24 TMUs (Texture Mapping Units), 8 ROPs (Render Output Unit). So you take the clock, divide it by 1000 (to get to giga instead of mega) and multiply with config - 24*.55GHz gives 13.2 GTexels/s; 8*.55GHz gives 4.4GPixels/s; 480*.55GHz gives 264 GOperations/s - now for the GFLOPS part - each AMD's shader can do multiply + add at the same time, which in this case gives 264*2 = 528 GFLOPS (single presicion). Notice how 360's and PS3's Shader operations per second are not related in same manner to their GFLOPS numbers - this is due to different Shaders, so math is bit different (specially for RSX inside PS3).