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UncleScrooge said:
VGKing said:
UncleScrooge said:

This is not how it works though... it's not about market share but total sales. So I guess Gamecube, Dreamcast and Xbox had "very good" sales too? This has nothing to do with marketing it is simply the normal boost a console gets around Black Friday. 3DS underperformed because it had no new games. You are acting like Vita sales were supposed to stay at October levels or something. This is exactly the boost one should have predicted for Black Friday week.

I'll say it again: I'm not bitching because I hate Sony. I'm bitching about Nintendo as well. But you can't change the truth. 160k is bad and you can't spin that. 250k is bad as well and you are right the 3DS underperformed. I absolutely agree with that. But the Vita won't get a single additional game because of this. It is selling bad and the 3DS selling bad as well doesn't change that.

Not saying this 160k guarantees more 3rd party support...I did expect the sales to be near October levels this week.(Vgchartz did too apparantly)

The fact that Vita actually got such a big boost is very promising. This means it's not dead. This could also be the turning point for Vita.

No, compared to the PS2 they had horrible sales, even on Black Friday.
BTW, marketshare = sales.

Like I've been saying all along, it could only take 1 holiday to really push the Vita to a healthy install base. It's a shame we'll have to wait so long to find out though, VgChartz isn't reliable anymore.

Well you haven't been on this site for too long so maybe you really didn't expect a lot. It's a pretty normal boost for Black Friday though. It's also normal for lower selling platforms to get a higher percentage boost. And how being the lowest selling platform can be considered a turning point is beyond me. Again: It is normal for sales to increase over the holidays. Developers already considered that in their decisions to develop or not develop Vita games. Selling 160k on Black Friday is the equivalent of selling 20k or so during a normal week. 

Gamecube etc had bad sales not only compared to PS2. They simply sold bad. Once sales are too low to justify support there's no way to spin this anymore. 3DS sales in the west are low too but at least it's got Japan and strong 1st party support. It will get the games, just not the western ones. Gamecube sold what 75% of Xbox sales in the west? And that was still too low to get support. It's not about market share.

And no, market share /= total sales. Seriously...

See, in your last sentence you are talking about a "healthy install base". That's exactly what this is about. It doesn't matter whether the PSV has a 10%, 20% or 50% market share as long as sales are too low to justify support. You can spin this all you want. The bad sales won't go away. You can deceive yourself or other people but reality ain't gonna change.


"it is normal for sales to increase in the holidays"
Well, duh! I know that. I'm not stupid.

But here's the thing, a "dead" console wouldn't post such a large increase in sales, on any week. Vita sales are encouraging. There is life in the system and it can only go up from here. 

Look at Black Friday sales for Xbox 360 the first Black Friday on the market. 
November 2006 - 240,843

Or a better comparision would be PSP's Black Friday for that same year
November 2006 - 186,201

Sales will get better as Vita gets more games and as the price goes down and brand awareness goes up.