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"Sony games don't sell on Sony systems"

I see that said a lot, and no offense, but it's kind of stupid. Like, really stupid. Uncharted, God of War, and Gran Turismo aren't Sony games all of a sudden? Are they secretly being released on other systems? Perhaps it should be amended to a much more intelligent, "some Sony games don't sell on Sony systems"? But I guess that doesn't sound nearly as flame-bait-ish and won't go over nearly as well in the fanboy arsenal.

On topic, I've said it before, but I don't think All-Stars was expected to be a big success. It's got way too much competition, especially at this time of year, and it's the kind of game not many people are just going to run out an buy. I believe Sony's intention with it is to have it as their "party franchise," mostly intended for bundles and as a free game on PS+. It was never an IP that was going to start with a bang but rather one they're going to try to grow with future installments. I think their focus right now is building up a user base over time and having All-Stars as an asset for the Playstation brand rather than as it's own thing.

Yes, I know that's not a actual counter to the "LOLOL it didn't sell good nya nya a boo boo" posts, but I'm cool with that. I don't really like to get involved with that, makes me feel kind of ashamed of being a gamer. I'd rather just be reasonable.