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JEMC said:
Squilliam said:
Actually I would put the Wii U at a 6, PS3 at a 5.5 and Xbox 360 as a 5 and the XB3 as a 35 and PS4 as a 32.

Do you really believe that the nest consoles will be 6x/7x more powerful than the PS3/Xbox360?

Why wouldn't they be? The Xbox 360 only has 430M transistors CGPU + 100M transistors ED-RAM. On 28nm you can pack in a lot of transistors, ~1.4B per 100mm^2. There have been very strong rumours for 5GB of RAM available to games for the Xbox 3, 3GB for OS, they make sense given the availability of DDR4 next year and advanced chip stacking techniques which yield incredibly high bandwidth.

Edit: A lot can change in 8 years. The Xbox 360 is ancient by comparison now, they won't have to release a 200W console to be 8x more powerful, they could do it with 120W. If they release a 200W console again it'll be more like 12x more powerful but I think that is unlikely.
