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YOU must be the one confused. Yahoo's services rock. Hotmail's mail service is the worst on the market. Other then that MSN dosen't even HAVE any services worth using. So yeah we got more xbox promotions and windows support.

 They will optamize everything for IE one of the worst web browsers out there. We will see M$ bias tech reviews, a lot of the hard core community will leave and go where? to gmail. Yahoo answers is one of the best methods for quick questions I have ever seen. Yahoo maps is very handy, while no google earth it works. Yahoo finance is very helpful. Plus the yahoo headlines update almost every hour complete with speical notices weather, pop in email views, games, more mobile support, and a bigger community then MSN. Plus Yahoo has unlimited storage and better protection.

I'm going a little of topic here, but don't say yahoo sucks, because you probably have never used it.