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. You say you don't know what you could have done. My problem is that i don't see what you could have done better. You say it was panic, but you did everything correctly. Last game we saw pezus counter mario. You actually did much much better, because you were very reasonable with the accusation as opposed to pezus who simply just accused mario without questioning why mario got the read. My problem is that there IS no better strategy, and so i distrust your insistence, through apology, that there is one. This is only compounded by the understanding that you reaction was not affected by panic at all. You made the exact right call, under panic, yet still apologize for it.

So once you realized that nine was town, well, you didnt really apologize for the strategy, but for the vote itself. So you are apologizing, i guess, for voting a townie?
What do you mean "maybe not"? Nine showed himself to be someone who kills first and asks questions later. Furthermore, if you agree that he's a liar, then he also lied in order to give credence to his wild accusations. Last game, you insisted that liars could not be trusted. You went after me and fought with me because i could not be trusted after my fakeclaim.
Suddenly you think the opposite? And dont tell me "then that should tell you that im not scum" because acting differently is what shows scumminess not that acting different from scum makes you town.
but you did act properly. That's the problem. You're apologizing for doing nothing wrong.