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Thems some nice PS3 numbers. Pretty much doubled since last week. New colour & CoD really helped!

Also impressed with Hot Shots opening week. It was difficult to predict this game. Average on COMG, already on Vita, but seems to have performed really well over there.

Vita sub 10k indeed, was expecting it, a week with no new releases doesn't bode well for hardware increasing or even staying the same, really!

Aside from that, Ex Troopers seems to have done really, really badly. I mean, this coming from a Vita supporter. ~ 25k across two platforms just seems particularly poor. Could tell it wasn't going to do well from COMG, but even still, there are games that didn't even chart on there that have had higher FW than this.

And credit where it's due, crazy figures all round from 3DS and Animal Crossing.

Looks like it might be quite a packed week next week finally, looking forward to it, as usual thanks for the releases post Vic. Wonder what Vita is gonna do with those two out. Probably not much better, 14k or so I guess.