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Mr Khan said:

I agree that lighter regulation needs to be made on Coca-based products, with only the production of street-grade cocaine being ultimately illegal (that being another one of those drugs that's just going to mess you up, moreso than weed).


I would argue that all drugs should be made legal.  Heroin, PCP, LSD, cocaine, crack, meth, 2ci, 2ce, AMT, DMT, mushrooms, etc...  Sure they are hard drugs and they ruin lives.  However, you know what is worse?  Having mother fucking Mexican drug cartels making huge profits off people (and killing people) that demand these drugs.  There is a better way than going after users, dealers, and putting them in jail.  It is called legalize and regulate.  Give that heroin addict their hit of heroin that will be regulated enough to know it won't kill them from an overdose.  Give them treatment if they desire.  The entire prison population is inflated by users (and some dealers).  You know what would put dealers out of business?  Making it legal.  More tax revenue instead of the money going to Pookie for new rims.  Sure hard drugs ruin lives but I see keeping it illegal ruining more lives than having it legal.  You support the black market if you support certain drugs being illegal.  Your thinking is the cause of the problem and not the solution.  Go fight your pointless war on drugs because you will never win (aka Reagan was an idiot).  How did alcohol prohibition work out in the 20s/30s?  Not too good.  How did the war on drugs work on during the 80s/90s/00s/10s?  Not too good.  Waste of money and waste of lives.  Jail sentence will never end drug addiction.  People think they have the high moral ground making certain drugs illegal.  You know what?  I believe I have the highest ground and I will squash anyone that has an outdated bullshit mindset on drugs.
