ironmanDX said:
I think giving options is better than worse. How many DS' were released?? Still sold like oxygen. Subscription will do well. How can it not? My phone im paying $29 a month for is worth more than any current gen or the WiiU console. Even more expensive then any combination of 2. I wonder how powerfull it will be compared to the WiiU? Could be slightly weaker an ship with Kinect 2.0 and be the same or just under the same (launch) price. |
I'm not saying that options aren't good. I'm saying that too many options aren't good. You mention the DS, but fail to mention that not all its models were available at the same time. The first DS, the fat one, was discontinued when the DSi was launched and the DSLite that replaced the fat one was almost discontinued when the DSi XL hit the stores. You can say that only 2 DS models were available at the same time.
And I only mentioned that the subscription model has only been tested in the USA. A console is not a phone, and what works in the USA doesn't have to work in the rest of the world.
Please excuse my bad English.
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