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There is no floor to PS3 weekly sales. By which I mean, sales increases will merely be seasonal, while otherwise sales will continually fall. Right now they still have hype, they still have fans waiting for games and for price drops, putting faith in the PlayStation name. This Xmas and next Xmas will not be typified by these fans finally buying PS3's, it will be typified by millions upon millions of fans finally giving up on PS3 and buying the competing systems, because PS3 will still have the highest price and worst mass-appeal lineup. Sure, sales may be a little bit better next year, as a price cut and some marquee games finally come, but even if a $100 price cut and an incrementally improved lineup doubled sales, that increase merely gets PS3 to a point where it will sell maybe 8 million consoles a year worldwide. Considering what Wii is doing right now, and the size of the lead it will have by next year, that would be horribly inadequete. I've already predicted that PS3 sales will fall below 60K/month for NPD US. Now let me add to that: PS3 sales will fall below 6K/week in Japan.

"[Our former customers] are unable to find software which they WANT to play."
"The way to solve this problem lies in how to communicate what kind of games [they CAN play]."

Satoru Iwata, Nintendo President. Only slightly paraphrased.