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HoloDust said:
DanneSandin said:

Well, developers are contradicting themselves really. They say that Wii U isn't powerful enough, and at the same time many studios have closed this gen due to high costs developing a game. If PS720 is a major leap tech wise, developing costs will double. Now, how will that effect developing games? That's another reason why next gen won't be a similar leap as PS3 from PS2 was.

@bold - really doubt that, that's just Epic selling their engine. Most of cost and design philosophy for HD transition has already been done in this gen, next-gen will simply have more power and even more cost-effective tools (real-time everything, as demonstrated in UE4 demo videos).

For example, look at modded PC Skyrim screenshots, with mods that are done by community, and compare that to PS360 shots:

Quite impressive, and not that much more costly (I'm sure Bethesda could've done it themself, if they wanted, but since they don;t care for PC anymore....).

You think that Wii U will be able to play games looking like that? =(

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.