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PX54 said:
Half of the reason behind the price of the PS3 at launch was the Blu-Ray player. The console was cheaper than most stand-alone Blu-Ray players at the time, now you can get a player for about half the price of the super slim PS3 model. This will help bring the price down. Not to mention Sony went with an independant hardware system whereas from what i've heard they're heading the the direction of a more mainstream system this time around. Surely these will help keep the price down.

The WiiU isn't really that much of a leap over the PS3 and 360 as it is (some people may say, it's the console Nintendo should have released all those years ago). Some developers have said it's not powerful enough even to last a usual life-span (4-6 years). Also with no official news still from either Microsoft or Sony on when the next consoles are coming but stating the current gen has life in it yet, it could be another 2-3 years before the next generation are even heard from let alone seen or available. At that rate the WiiU will be nearly into its 4th year before its 'next-gen' competators are even out the door.
If Sony and Microsoft were concerned with Nintendo's competition in the next-gen we'd have heard much more about their next consoles than we have. I believe they both see the WiiU as a current-gen modification.

Well, developers are contradicting themselves really. They say that Wii U isn't powerful enough, and at the same time many studios have closed this gen due to high costs developing a game. If PS720 is a major leap tech wise, developing costs will double. Now, how will that effect developing games? That's another reason why next gen won't be a similar leap as PS3 from PS2 was.

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.