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That's a whole bunch of made up numbers and silly assumptions that anyone who plays games on a PC has to have cutting edge tech and won't settle for anything less than ultra-high settings.

Personally, I don't give a rat's fuzzy rump about "ultra-high". I probably won't spend over $900 for a new PC and it will likely last as long as a console. Components are cheap if you install them yourself and you're not paying a huge premium for new to market parts. Repairs can be done pretty cheaply on a component basis; you won't have to throw the whole thing out and get a new one if something goes bad.

The other point a lot of people seem to ignore is that most gamers are going to have a PC even if they have a videogame console. I think it's safe to assume that at least $400 would go into that baseline, so really what you're spending for a gaming PC would be minus that standard investment. In effect, then, a gaming PC doesn't really cost much more than a new console.

There are some negatives to PC gaming but I don't consider price to be one of them. It's just a larger initial investment.