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As (hopefully) all of you know, Super Smash Bros. Brawl will be released on March 9th (in the States, anyway). 2500 Gamestop and EBGames stores will be holding a midnight launch sale of the game. The only stores that definitely won't be doing this are stores that are centered inside malls, in which case they would have to pay fees for security, which apparently won't offset the edge of having a midnight release.

Stores having a midnight launch will also be hosting tournaments at around 9:00 pm on March 8th, 2008, a few hours prior to the game's launch. Be aware that game will NOT be sold to anyone before 12:01 am on March 9th, 2008.
(I do not know if stores that are NOT having midnight launches will host tournaments. My guess is that they will not, because of all the confusion there would be if it were to be held)

The tournaments being held in stores will be tiered. The first tournament will be held on March 8th, 2008.

The winners of that tournament will move on to a district-wide tournament held on March 15th, 2008 in the store of the choosing of the district management (probably the best store in the district). Districts are usually separated just like counties.

The winners of the District Tournament will move on to a region-wide tournament held on March 29th, 2008. As with the District Tournament, management teams will select the best store in the region to hold the tournament. Regions are usually separated just like states.

The Top 8 people in all of the Regional Tournaments will be flown to San Jose, California, to compete in the National Tournament on April 12th, 2008.

Prizes will be awarded by Nintendo at each tournament stage. Gamestop and EBGames stores will also be giving prizes at the District and Regional Tournaments.

Keep in mind that these tournaments end events are sponsored by Nintendo.

That's all the information I have about the tournaments. I will update this topic (or make a new) if I find out any more information regarding the tournaments.

Also, on another note, Gamestop will be receiving the launch kits on February 25th. If they're going to send us a demo of the game, it will probably arrive then. But don't expect it to be playable then. The 26th is a safe bet, though.

And, one last thing, the tournaments held in the store will be on the official game, not the demo.