Note: I believe this is my 1,234th post since I've joined back in April. For some reason I think that's interesting. Now for the first people I can think of -
- Mr Khan, an easy choice. If there's a nicer guy on these forums, I haven't seen him around.
- Salnax, for running the monthly "Most Anticipated Game" thread.
- Smeags, for running a whole bunch of threads.
- Jay520, for helping out Salnax and generally being within acceptable levels of coolness.
- M.U.G.E.N, because from what I've seen he's done an outstanding job with the Official Vita Thread.
- amp316, because he's just a cool guy. I don't need any other reason.
- Conegamer, for being one of the first members to make me feel welcome on VGC.
- happydolphin, for occasionally providing good discussion topics once I've pinpointed exactly what he's trying to say.
- pzeus, more out of grudging respect than secret admiration, but definitely still a worthy candidate.
- badgenome, for being hilarious.
- RolStoppable, for being hilarious is his own way, among other, more confidential reasons.
- BazilZero, another one of "I have no reason to nominate beyond saying that this person seems cool" group.
- IamAwsome, who is obviously awesome at things except maybe spelling the word "awesome".
- Soriku, and I'm really tired of writing explanations.
- noname2000
- NiKKoM
- miz1q2w3e
- VicViper
- morenoingrato
- TruckOSaurus. Too easy.
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