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#38. Diablo III

Those of you who remember my list from last year (i.e. no one) know that Diablo II was ranked pretty high up, so it's only natural that 12 years in the making sequel gets a spot on my list as well. It doesn't rank quite as high as DII because I do have some issues with the gameplay that make it less appealing than its predecessor but Diablo III is easily my most played game of 2012 with around 120 hours spent on leveling my Wizard, my Monk and my Demon Hunter.

The game can be addictive as hell (pun intended) and Blizzard keep adding to it with each new patch that comes out (paragon levels, monster power, uber bosses), Plus there's still the PVP to look out for and the inevitable expansion so many more hours of fun to be had!

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