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VicViper said:
DélioPT said:
I don`t think a price drop would help them in the long run. If the games aren`t there - and they aren`t there - then a price cut effect would not last.

To me there are two things 3DS needs: games and a redesign that makes it look completely different from how it looks.
If people aren`t aware DS and 3DS will really look like a enhanced version of DS.
Nintendo should have done this since the very beginning.

The games are there. For the new user there's lots of evergreens already (mostly Mario though - but 3 big ones)

Price is mostly everything. Why do you think Japan responded so well to the price cut killing the DS into oblivion? Because they maintained the DSi price the same as the 3DS and the DSi XL the same as the 3DS XL. I don't buy this "consumers can't see one is better than the other theory", a lot of people just go to the cheaper one - if the cheapest one is the 3DS - hooray! At least close this price gap, imo. A 99 system against 169 will make a lot of people choose the former one - especially on holidays.

NIntendo of america and europe clearly wants to sell more DSs, while nintendo of Japan don't want to see its face anymore.

It`s not NOA and NOE who want to sell more DS', it`s just that those markets still want the system.
But that`s not the whole story, in Japan 3DS is getting great games from Nintendo and 3rd parties. Not only that, but Nintendo has been pushing the great games with specially made bundles and that the other two markets aren`t getting all the great 3rd party games (that the market desires) and the special bundles aren`t there too.

Japan is the best market for 3DS because it has what a system needs to thrive: great games.
And until 3DS does that in the US and Europe, 3DS will sell well, but nowhere near, in comparison, to what the consoles does in Japan.

Not everyone goes with the cheaper option just because it`s cheaper. It`s that they don`t see enough value in the other console, in this case, 3DS.
There is a difference betwee DS and 3DS, but at the same time, 169/199$ isn`t a price that the mass market can`t afford.
To me that difference must be made even in the smallest things like the shape of the hardware and boxarts.
Remember the confusion when Wii U was introduced? Remember how so many people, even the media, thought Wii U was just the tablet and how it was for Wii? When you fail to make your product stand out from it`s predecessor, confusion will occur.